Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Vegan Mayonnaise

I love Mayo! So much that I make my own depending on what I'm planning to cook. As I contemplated joining some of my buddies this year in a 30 day vegan challenge, the deciding factor was substituting foods that I really enjoy. Since mayo is made with eggs, I originally thought that it would be a condiment that I would have to do without. Then I noticed on a bag of flaxmeal that eggs can be substituted by mixing 1 part flaxmeal with 3 parts water. SCORE!

Servings: 4
Prep: 15 minutes

2 Tbsp Flaxmeal
6 Tbsp Water
1 Garlic Clove
1 Tsp Kosher Salt
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1 Tsp Raw Agave

In a small bowl whisk flaxmeal and water. Set aside for 10 minutes
Using a mortar & pestle crush garlic & salt until it forms a paste.
Add flaxmeal & garlic paste to a food processor. Turn on.
With processor running gradually add olive oil
Add remaining ingredients and process for an additional minute.
Place mayo in airtight container & refrigerate for up to a week
Use in any recipe that requires mayonnaise.

*You can add sun dried tomatoes or basil for variations.

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